How To Sell Feet Pics Online For Money

Are you interested in selling feet pics?

In recent years, there has been a growing trend of people taking and selling pictures of their feet.

While some may view this as a strange or taboo activity, others find it a fun and creative way to make extra money.

When I first found out about this side hustle, I couldn’t help digging deeper about how to sell feet pics but safely and anonymously.

If you’re interested in getting into the feet pics business, I put together a complete guide to help you get started.

Woman's foot being photographed

How to sell feet pics

Want to hit the market and make some cash?

The following tips will help you get started on the right foot and learn how to sell feet pictures online as a beginner in the field.

Our comprehensive free guide will take you from A to Z in the feet-selling business. We will cover everything you need to know: 

  • Learn how to protect yourself and your data
  • How to properly care for your feet 
  • Discover the best feet poses (11 examples of feet pics)
  • How to take the best quality images 
  • 22 different platforms where you can make money selling feet pics
  • How to get started on each individual platform
  • Find the best Instagram and Twitter hashtags

Who buys feet pics?

People often wonder who’s in the market for feet pics, or they assume that only feet enthusiasts would be interested in foot photography.

Indeed, some people enjoy the sight of feet and like to admire pictures of feet in different poses and angles.

But there are many other groups of people interested in foot pics:

  • Artists
  • Spas
  • Feet lovers
  • Podiatrists or orthopedic doctors’ offices
  • Stock photo websites
  • Modeling agencies

With such a vast clientele, there are many ways to make money by selling pictures of feet.

The most helpful way to get started is to advertise where your market audience is searching for the latest pics.

Who should sell feet pics?

Anyone interested in earning extra money can pick up a camera and start selling feet pics as a side hustle. 

With the excellent cameras on our phones nowadays, all you need is your handy iPhone or Android, some decent lighting, your two feet, and maybe a pair of cute shoes to get started. 

If you want to go all-in and provide a variety of foot pictures, you can try to find some foot models in your circle of friends. 

Your friends need to be 18 years old or older and sign a waiver allowing you to sell their images free of copyright. 

How to sell feet pics without getting scammed?

As with any side hustle or online sales, there are always people looking to get something for nothing.

Or worse, trying to find your location, personal data, or banking information.

You need to take a few key steps before selling your foot pics online to maintain your privacy and safety.

1. Stay anonymous

Anonymity is essential when selling photos online.

As much as we hate to admit it, there are risks whenever you provide services to anyone online.

Even if you want to test out the idea of selling foot pics online, take the time to make a new email address and social media profiles, and pick a pseudonym.

Make sure these accounts are generic, with no real names or hints about who you are.

When returning messages to potential buyers, keep the email signature or DM free from any phone number and use your pseudonym.

2. Only show your feet

While many foot pictures don’t include people’s faces, there is a market for pictures including your face.

While the sample pics on your profile may only be of your feet, you will likely receive special requests.

While the final decision remains your own, we recommend not providing pictures that include your face.

People can reverse search your images to find your social media accounts and, in consequence, you.

3. Keep things professional

The more you become involved and popular in your feet picture business, the more questions, inquiries, and special requests will come in.

You may have repeat customers or regular clients who are always polite in their communications.

It, however, remains vital to keep things professional, regardless of how polite or respectful they have been during past communications.

Personal questions can sometimes be asked casually, and we end up giving away sensitive information without realizing it.

Stick to business, focus on the order details, and that’s it. 

Never be shy to say no or cut ties with a client pushing boundaries.

4. Remove EXIF Data from your feet pics

An important factor that many people are unaware of is that when you take pictures, they contain EXIF Data regarding your camera (or phone camera), which can include GPS coordinates.

If somebody is determined to locate you, they could extract this metadata to pinpoint where the images were taken and potentially find you and other personal information. 

But not to panic; luckily, you can make some simple tweaks to protect your information.

These steps will allow you to disable the GPS feature and remove any remaining data before sending your images to clients. 

To disable the GPS option on your phone, follow these steps:

For iPhone users, go to

  • Settings
  • Privacy
  • Location Services
  • Camera
  • In Allow Location Access, select Never.

For Android users, the steps will vary by phone; however, it should not be too difficult to locate.

 A quick Google search for your specific phone can help.

For my Samsung A10, the process was pretty straightforward

  • Settings
  • Apps
  • Camera
  • Permissions
  • Location
  • Select Deny  from the listed options

Screenshot of phone showing GPS settings

Now, if you need to remove the GPS data from pictures you have already taken or you want to remove other sensitive data like your name, here’s how to do it.

For Windows,

  • Right-click on any picture and select the Properties.
  • Select the Details tab
  • At the bottom, select Remove Properties and Personal Information
  • In the new window, click the box Remove the following properties from this file
  • Press the Select All button
  • Press OK

As you can see in the bottom right image, my full name was available in the metadata for anyone to find.

Screenshots which show personal EXIF data in my, how to feet pics, image files

You can find more information on EXIF Data here.

5. Decline overpayments

 While this scam is not new, it unfortunately still manages to get plenty of people each year on platforms like Facebook Marketplace and Kijiji. 

The buyer will “accidentally” send the seller extra money and somehow work in a storyline.

This ploy generally requires the seller to return the extra money through a fake PayPal email and Western Union. 

The stories can be so far-fetched; I once had someone tell me they were a marine biologist out at sea needing to buy my dress as a gift for their daughter.

The scam was to send me $300 for the dress and the shipping costs and me to click on the fake PayPal link to confirm the money had been received. 

Foot pics are usually sent as digital goods.

A possible scam could be requesting real pictures be mailed out to them for an additional amount in compensation and building the hustle into that.

 Always be cautious of anyone willing to hand away extra money.

6. Watermark your image ads

Before posting any feet pics online, you will need to decide how you want to protect your work.

You can watermark them with your business name, logo, or website address.

Alternatively, you can choose to blur the image. 

Blurring the pics not only protects your work from being used by another seller but also prevents buyers from basically getting a freebie (some may not mind the watermark).

You can easily blur your images using Canva (the free version is all you need). Just follow these simple steps;

After uploading your images inside an individual project: 

  • Select Edit image
  • Type Blur in the search box
  • Select Auto or Blur, which lets you adjust the level

7. Avoid price negociations

People will always try to haggle you on the price, even if it’s as low as $5 a foot pic.

While it’s okay to be a little flexible on custom orders or bundles, try to avoid lowering your prices in other cases.

You will get some pushback from some clients when it’s time to raise your prices as your skill develops, but those who value the quality will stick around.

8. Payment reception

We highly recommend that you only release the images to your buyer after clearing their payment.

In this day and age, we have so many options available.

You can choose to use an app like Paypal, Patreon, Cash App, or Venmo.

If you’ve decided to sell your feet pics through your own website, then WooCommerce or Shopify may be of more interest to you.

To avoid the risk of fraud, verify that the payment has been received in your account before releasing the photographs to your client.

However, when using a payment system such as Venmo or PayPal, you have to remember that clients can attempt to use the purchase protection policies to their benefit.

You could technically transfer the funds out of your account before releasing the feet pics.

However, if you lose the case, your account will be in the red, and the money will be taken from the next payment that enters your account.

This post contains affiliate links. We may earn a commission at no additional cost to you if you make a purchase through a link. Please review our disclosure for more information

What type of feet pictures are in demand?

Selling feet pics can be a great way to make some extra money.

But if you’re not sure what style of pictures you’d be interested in selling of your feet, there are over 30 different categories.

Here are some popular feet pictures sub-niches:

  • Arched feet
  • Asian feet models
  • Boots
  • BBW
  • BDSM
  • Dirty feet
  • Dry feet
  • Dancers
  • Dominatrix style
  • Ebony feet
  • Flat feet
  • Fishnet stockings
  • Humiliation
  • High heels
  • Jewelry
  • Indian feet models
  • Lotion coated feet
  • Long toes
  • Mature feet
  • Measuring
  • Nail polished toes
  • Nylon covered feet
  • Pedicured feet
  • Platform heels
  • Pics including face
  • Rough feet
  • Sandals
  • Smelly shoes/feet
  • Sneakers
  • Socks
  • Stomping
  • Tattoos
  • Toe cleavage
  • Toenails
  • Wet feet
  • Short ASMR videos

How to take good quality feet pics

If you want to increase your chances of making sales, you need to approach selling feet pics as a business.

While you don’t need to be a professional photographer, you want to provide high-quality images.

There are some important areas to focus on that will help improve your feet pics from the get-go. 

And remember, your feet need to be the center of focus, so make sure they are always the star of the image.

Do your research

When you’re new to any field, research should always be your first step. It’s always a good idea to look at your competitors to see what’s working for them.

They have already gone through the hard work of figuring out what works in the market and climbed the ranks. 

You are in the fortunate position of being able to observe and learn.

  • What poses are they using
  • What type of accessories 
  • What color themes are present
  • Indoor vs. outdoor shots
  • Minimalistic vs. more styled
  • General pics or more niched down

Take notes and incorporate some of the tips into your original pictures.

This research can also help you decide which style of foot pics you would like to offer clients with special requests.

Care for your feet

Are you planning to focus your foot pics on a specific sub-niche dedicated to people with rough or calloused feet (yes, there’s a market for everything)?

If not, you’ll want to take care of your moneymakers.

You don’t have to spend anything astronomical, but you should put a small budget towards getting basics like foot scrubs, a hydrating foot lotion/oil, and pumice stone.

Here are 10 at-home self-care tips for your feet:

  1. Examine your feet regularly for changes in appearance, color, or swelling. 
  2. Pay attention to foot hygiene, including washing and drying your feet daily in warm water (including in between your toes)
  3. Exfoliate your feet once per week to remove dry skin cells and help your moisturizer do its job.
  4. Use a pumice stone when showering or a Ped Egg to remove any callouses.
  5. Moisturize or oil your feet after you shower; this helps maintain the moisture your feet absorb while you are bathing.
  6. Moisturize again before bed.
  7. Apply sunscreen to protect your feet.
  8. Remove any stains from your toenails using lemon juice and baking soda (you can find more toenail whitening tips here).
  9. Trim your nails and cuticles regularly.
  10. Wear shoes, sandals, or slippers even around the house to prevent cuts or stains on your feet.

But remember to let your feet breathe throughout the day (open-toe sandals or slippers may be best).

And if your budget permits, you can also get a monthly professional pedicure.

 You can find a lot of affordable foot care products on Amazon:

If you are on a tight budget, you can get some essentials at your local Dollar Tree for under $10.

Upgrade your business as you grow

While investing in a business or side hustle can be a great idea, I’m also extremely frugal and like to keep things minimalistic. 

And let’s face it; many people don’t have the extra money to go out and buy equipment or take special courses before some profits start rolling in.

However, if you have some disposable income or have started filling orders, a couple of affordable extras could take your foot photography to the next level.

As someone who often takes food pics for my business, these are some of my favorite affordable photography equipment.

You can choose to upgrade your camera once the budget allows for it.

Panasonic LUMIX mirrorless camera set

Foot photography tips

Foot photography is like most types of photography; you need to find your best angles and shoot with great lighting.

  • Get as many angles as you can and see what works best for the size and shape of your feet
  • When available, use natural light; the light hitting from the side tends to work best
  • If you don’t have enough natural light, use LED studio lights.
  • Try out your phone’s camera filters; some offer excellent lighting
  • Edit your feet pics in Canva, adjusting for brightness, contrast, and saturation as needed

Use different backgrounds, either backdrops that you purchase or items around your home. 

You can build a portfolio using different backgrounds, such as;

  • Wood
  • Marble
  • Grass
  • Sand
  • Mud
  • Bedding 
  • Carpets

You can expand your portfolio with more stylized feet pics using different props or accessories;

  • Foot jewelry
  • Stockings
  • Fishnet stockings/nylons
  • Shoes or Sandals
  • Flowers
  • Candles
  • Stick on tattoos
  • Nailpolish
  • French pedicure

And don’t forget to make sure your feet are nicely lotioned before taking your feet pics.

Prefer hands? Read our guide on Selling Hand Pics Online!

11 top poses for feet pictures

You should be prepared for custom orders as you start selling feet pics.

There are many different types of foot angles and poses that can be requested, so it’s best to become familiar with them.

Top of the foot: This simple pose is one of the most favored; nothing crazy going on here, just a focused top view of your feet displaying all your toes.

Top of woman's feet with flowers around both sides

Bottom of the feet: With this type of picture, we want to focus on the soles of the feet, take some close-up shots that show the details and lines of the feet, and some photos slightly further away.

Bottom soles of a woman's feet

Arched foot: Focus on the foot’s arch; one foot can remain straight to show the arched foot in juxtaposition. 

Two woman's feet in the air, one is arched

Crossed feet: A simple pose of your feet crossed, with or without sandals. 

Crossed woman's feet

Feet in the air: As the name implies, you can take various pictures in different poses where your feet are in the air. 

A favorite pose is when the model rests on her stomach with her feet crossed in the air.

Woman laying on stomach, feet in the air behind her

Spread toes: Again, this is a simple pose, just some pictures of your feet with their toes spread apart.

You can get a little artistic here and lay your feet in the sand or on grass. If your client is interested in dirty feet pics, you can spread your toes in some mud.

Woman's feet with the toes spread apart

Candid photos: Take some foot selfies doing everyday things, whether walking around town, playing sports, or relaxing your feet at the end of a busy day.

Candid photo of a woman's feet resting on a boat deck

Foot cleavage: So, how do you show foot cleavage? Find some sexy pointed heels that show the beginnings of your toes. 

A woman's feet showing foot cleavage from the top

In high heels: Have some fun with your beautiful shoes.

Take a mixture of images, some with the heels fully on, some crossed feet, and others with a shoe just dangling from a single toe. 

Woman's legs with high heels going on

Dirty feet: Here, we have the dirty bottom of the soles on display. Requests might include mud, sand, dust, or even chocolate syrup. 

A woman's dirty, muddy foot sole

Manicured feet: Just as some people prefer pics of dirty feet, others want to see a nicely manicured set of feet on display (a French manicure is a popular choice). 

Woman touching her manicured feet, surrounded by flowers

Need more photography tips? Our full guide to taking professional feet pics can help!

Where to sell feet pics in America

Since you are ready to start selling feet pics, you must be wondering where’s the best place to get started.

There are, in fact, many different places where feet pictures are sold; however, some platforms can be a little less obvious than others.

Luckily, we have a complete list of platforms you can review and choose from to get started on your business.

How to sell feet pics on apps or websites

With so many platforms available to choose from, it can get a little overwhelming.

We don’t want to spread out efforts too thin, so it’s best to select a maximum of two outlets to market your feet pics.

Kijiji & Facebook Marketplace

These two platforms are almost identical in how they operate.

They both offer a valuable network for classified ads for numerous product categories and services.

All you need to do is sign up for an account, make your listings, and decide how you want to get paid.


Craigslist is a great way to sell anything, but what about your feet pics?

It has actually become another popular place to sell pictures of feet. It’s simple to use and has a vast market. 

Screenshot of Craigslist homepage

How to sell feet pics on Craigslist

  • Set up your account
  • Create your feet ads (try to include some keywords in the titles)
  • Upload your watermarked or blurred feet pics
  • Decide on your payment method (Cash App, Paypal, Venmo)

You’ll also want to try and promote your listing on your anonymous social media accounts. 

However, one bonus way to self-promote your feet pics is using the forum section on the platform. 

The forum is essentially the main difference between Craigslist versus Kijiji or FB Marketplace. 

See who’s hanging around asking questions, and you may be able to find some additional clients through the area.

Similar post: What is the price of nails [full guide]

Feet Finder

Feet Finder is an excellent option for sellers looking to sell their feet pics on a safe and managed platform. 

They have over 1200 reviews on Trustpilot, averaging 4.8 out of 5.

Feet Finder automatically blurs all images, making it one less task for you to manage. 

Buyers get to purchase by the image or subscribe to your profile for a monthly fee. 

You can also receive special requests from anyone on Feet Finder or limit access to your monthly subscribers. 

Feet Finder will take a 20% cut of all sales.

How to sell feet pics on Feet Finder

  • Sign up (ID required)
  • Pay the monthly seller fee of $3.99 or $14.99 per year
  • Upload your feet pics or short videos
  • Get paid with Segpay (US) or Paxum (other countries)

You can also use Feet Finder’s affiliate program, letting you earn 10% of the sales from anyone who signs using your referral link.


Instafeet is a photography site dedicated to feet. It’s a subscription-based platform. 

To join Instafeet, there are a few requirements, and their approval is not guaranteed. Their approval process can take anywhere between 1 to 3 weeks.

Take the time to read their rules thoroughly before applying.

How to sell feet pics on Instafeet

  • Create a profile (a valid photo ID is required)
  • Upload a minimum of 5 photos
  • Set your price (try to stay under $10 as a newbie)
  • Get your unique Instafeet username
  • Promote on social media

Insatfeet will take a 10% cut from each sale. Payments are issued on the 1st and the 15th of each month.

Note: There are multiple negative reviews on Trustpilot where sellers are concerned they provided their IDs and payment information only to have their application denied.


Screenshot of feet pics for sale on Etsy

Etsy is truly the kingdom of digital products; you can find anything and everything you need.

They sell it all from printables, stickers, journals, crafts, and even feet pics.

Etsy isn’t a free platform, though; they charge $0.20 per listing.

You can expect them to take a 5% transaction fee and 3% + 0.25 in payment processing fees if you make a sale.

How to sell feet pics on Etsy

  • Open a seller’s account
  • Fill in the bio & build your shop
  • Set up your preferred payment method (Google Wallet, Apple Pay, Paypal, or Etsy gift cards)
  • Promote your Etsy store on social media


Feetpics is another dedicated foot site for selling your feet pics.

You can also boost your page on their platform with paid promotions.

They charge no commission fees; instead, sellers have to pay a one-time signing-up fee of $5.

If they choose to promote their page on the Feetpics platform, additional fees will be for those specific services.

How to sell feet pictures on Feetpics

  • Set up your Feetpics account  
  • Select your username (choose something anonymous)
  • Add your listings under the correct foot category 
  • Add 3 pictures to get started
  • Submit your profile for approval
  • Get paid through Paypal, Amazon gift cards, credit cards, bank transfers, and even Bitcoin. 


Feetify is yet another online platform focused on selling feet pics. 

While it has a 4.6 out of 5 rating on Trustpilot, there seem to be multiple complaints regarding the actual benefits of its premium membership.

Premium models on the platform are eligible for cash rewards ($10 to $100+) each month based on their level of quality posts.

But you can still use the platform for free to sell feet pics.

How to sell feet pictures on Feetify

  • Create an account
  • Update your profile
  • Upload feet pics or feet videos
  • Get paid through Paypal or CashApp


Foap is a simple photo app where you can buy and sell your feet pics for a standard price of $10. Pictures need to be at least 1280×960 pixels.

The app is free to use; however, Foap will take a $5 cut from each feet pic sale.

You can also make extra cash with their Foap Missions and Premium Missions, which are essentially foot-picture competitions.

How to sell feet pics on Foap

  • Start by downloading the Foap app
  • Make an account
  • Upload your feet pics
  • Decide if you want to compete in Foap Missions


OnlyFans is a subscription-based platform where you can sell your feet pics. They have a huge following, with over 170 million users.

The site’s popularity has somewhat grown from the standard mature content to more varied interests in recent years, and even some celebrities have jumped on the bandwagon. 

How to sell feet pics on OnlyFans

  • Create your anonymous account
  • Wait up to 72 hours for your account to be verified
  • Upload your content
  • Promote your content on your anonymous social media accounts


You can use the free Kik messaging app to post feet pics anonymously.

The app is available to iOS and Android users and can even be used on Kindle Fire (excluding 2011, 2012, and 2013).

How to sell foot pictures on Kik

  • Create your Kik account
  • Find the best niche groups to join
  • Get your Kik code to start chatting
  • Agree on your method of payment
  • Send feet pics once payment has cleared

Dollar Feet

You can start selling feet pics and videos on Dollar Feet once your account is approved after the 24-hour wait period.

Dollar Feet will also pay you $10 for each 10-minute video you upload (videos need to be approved).

We have included Dollar Feet on our list since his article is a complete guide; however, the platform does have some red flags that you need to consider. 

They expect your videos and pics to contain your face, which is not an option if your goal is to remain anonymous. 

And quite frankly, some of the wording in the FAQ section regarding this subject is quite off-putting. 

They also expect you to list your height and weight, and the website states, “We accept only athletic models” which is not inclusive.


The wikiFeet website is a little different; its site focuses on celebrity foot pics.

However, if you click on the my.wikiFeet pink button in their menu, you will be able to apply as a model to sell feet pics on their sister site.

Men can also apply to be foot models by clicking on the wikiFeet Men button. 

One important point to note, the platform only supports payment models via Bitcoin.

Create a website

While starting a website generally won’t lead to immediate cash, it’s definitely an option to keep in mind for long-term sellers. 

A website would provide more control and business opportunities over time. 

You could sell feet pics, accessories, mugs, hats, T-shirts that included your feet pics, or foot-inspired designs that Printify can handle and make for your buyers. 

Setting up a website can be pretty simple:

  • Get started on
  • Buy a domain name
  • Sign up for hosting
  • Use the free Kadence theme
  • Use free Kadence starter templates to design your site

For hosting, I recommend Bigscoots shared hosting plan to get started. 

While there are some cheaper options on the market, I personally cannot recommend most of their sub-par hosting or customer service.

Stock photo websites

If you are simply interested in selling your feet pics to stock photo sites or expanding where you sell, the following websites purchase feet pictures.

  • Adobe Stock
  • Alamy
  • Bigstock
  • Cafepress
  • DepositPhotos
  • Dreamstime
  • Getty Images
  • iStockphoto
  • Shutterstock
  • Snapwire
  • Twenty20
  • Upslash
  • 500px

Each site is slightly different, but you need to follow the steps, create an account and upload your feet pics.

How to sell feet pics on social media

With so much of our daily lives centered around social media, it’s no surprise that we turn to them when it comes time to make money.

While Snapchat and Instagram are popular choices for selling feet pics, it’s also important to select the platforms you feel you can put the most effort into.

There is no point in choosing a platform and posting once a month because you don’t enjoy the experience of using that site or app.

Find one to two social media channels that are a fit and concentrate on high-quality content.


Screenshot of Instagram sign up page

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms to sell feet pictures.

In 2021, Instagram was ranked the 4th most popular social media site, with over 1.86 million active users.

The app focuses on users sharing pictures and videos and attracting new followers using strategic hashtags.

You can essentially build an entire business on the Instagram platform with high-quality photos, proper marketing, and consistent posts.

How to sell feet pics on Instagram

  • Make an Instagram Professional Account & select your business category
  • Set up your bio, and make it the best you can aesthetically
  • Add Linktree for any external links you want to promote
  • Add your watermark or blurred feet pics to your profile to entice buyers without giving the goods away.
  • Use strategic foot-related hashtags (check what your competition is using); this will help boost your visibility to the right users.

    You can use 30 hashtags per post if you want.  We suggest testing different combos to see which hashtags work best for your posts. 
  • Be consistent; Instagrammers do best with daily posts
  • Send feet pics to clients after receiving your payments

Among the other social media channels, Instagram is the one platform that truly thrives on aesthetics.

Users use filters for almost everything, and styling is essential, so put forth your best-quality photos for this platform.

Some popular Instagram hashtags for feet are: #feet #foot #toes #softfeet #feetpics #pantyhose #nylon #tights #footfetishnation #feetlovers #instafeet #instaarch #instafeetlove #girlsfeet #bigfeet #feetlover #pantyhosefeet #selfeet


With over 2.85 billion members, Facebook is the most popular social networking platform.

While we already covered selling feet pictures through Facebook Marketplace, there are different ways to sell on the platform.

How to sell feet pics on Facebook

  • Set up a Facebook business page (best for staying anonymous)
  • Finalize your page design and profile
  • Upload your images and create posts
  • Promote your Facebook page on Instagram and Twitter
  • Find Facebook groups where you can advertise your FB page (each group will have its own rules)

Some potential Facebook pages to check out: Feet pictures for sale; Selling/Buying Feet Photos; Button Toes Feet and Pictures; Feetlovers

Tik Tok

Screenshot of Tik Tok sign up page

While I am a massive fan of TikTok and spend way too many hours on the app, I’ll admit that foot videos are not on my FYP.

But I know that consistently posting on TikTok is a great way to grow a business on the platform. 

While you can now do 15-second, 60-second, and 3-minute videos, the shorter videos remain the most popular. 

After doing some searches on TikTok, there is indeed a market for feet pics and creators posting videos with links to their websites or OnlyFans accounts. 

How to sell feet pics on TikTok

  • Sign up for a Creator account on TikTok (more music options than a Business account)
  • Complete your profile and add feet-related keywords
  • Try and post a short video each day
  • Use music currently trending on TikTok
  • Respond to comments (engagement matters on the platform)
  • Add your website link or wherever you sell feet pics online


Snapchat is yet another social media site with a vast following; it currently has over 514 million active users.

You can post short videos or foot pictures, which is also the perfect way to tease your buyers as they only remain on the platform for 24 hours. 

Another great feature of this platform is the ability to charge a subscription fee on a premium Snap account.

Most sellers will charge between $5 to $50 per month for premium access. 

How to sell feet pics on Snapchat

  • Start by creating a Public account
  • Make a Snapchat Premium Account
  • Create daily stories that include feet pics or videos of your feet on your public account
  • Send buyers with inquiries over to your premium account
  • Accept payments for sales through Snapcash


While Twitter is not known as a visual platform, it can still be used for selling feet pictures online.

You can tweet about your latest blog post on foot care and link to your website, or tweet a picture of your feet with the appropriate hashtags.

Follow your competition to find potential buyers.

How to sell feet pics on Twitter

  • Create a Twitter account
  • Complete your profile
  • Tweet about feet articles or feet pics
  • Use the best foot-related hashtags
  • Follow fellow feet pics sellers

Foot-related hashtags for Twitter: #feet #feetfetish #feetpics #feetonlyfans #feetforsale #toes #feetpack #feetlover #prettyfeet #feetandsoles #feetworship


While we can often think of Reddit as purely a forum for asking questions or searching for answers, the site offers much more to its users.

While Reddit does offer a forum, there is also social news, and, in its own way, Reddit is a social media network.

Members can contribute to the site, and your content can be upvoted or downvoted, making it possible to garner traffic from the site and find potential clients. 

How to sell feet pics on Reddit

  • Make an account
  • Find the best subreddits on feet pics
  • Engage where you can and answer questions, but try not to promote yourself initially
  • Naturally, link to your website or social media channels after a time when it’s relevant

FAQ for selling feet pics

Before you get started selling your feet pics, let’s review some common questions in the field.

How much money can I make selling feet pictures?

If you are trying to list your feet pic, you may notice that the prices range anywhere between $5 to $100 a picture. 

As a newbie, you will want to start around the $5 to $10 range and scale up from there.

Some buyers may ask for a packaged deal on a bundle of feet pics or a custom order.

How much you can make really depends on the time and effort you put into making quality photos and marketing your products.

But it’s possible to make decent money. While this is an ambitious example, a Canadian woman made $70,000 a year through Instagram selling feet pics.

Where should I start selling foot pictures?

While there any many places you can advertise your pictures, to begin, get started where you know the traffic is at:

Feetfinder and Feetpics are two dedicated sites for selling feet pics. Instagram also has excellent potential for this niche.

Yes, there will be more competition on these sites versus somewhere more obscure like Kijiji, but you will have more eyes on your profile. 

Do you need pretty feet to sell feet pics?

No, having pretty feet is not necessarily a requirement to sell feet pics.

You need to market and find the clientele searching for your type of feet.

Where can I sell feet pictures for free?

Most platforms are, luckily, free to use for sellers. You can post your foot pics on these platforms without paying anything out of pocket (commissions excluded):

  • Instafeet
  • Dollar Feet
  • Foap
  • Craigslist
  • Kijiji
  • FB Marketplace
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Snapchat
  • Tik Tok
  • Stock photography sites

Is selling feet pics legal?

Yes, selling feet pics is legal in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, and China.

But we always suggest double-checking before you get started, especially if you reside in a country with strict religious or cultural rules.

Is selling feet pics dangerous?

While not necessarily dangerous, it’s still important to take a few extra precautions to protect your anonymity and personal information.

We want to avoid leaving any avenues open to someone who may get a little too obsessed. 

Do you have to pay taxes for selling feet pictures?

Yes, any generated income needs to be declared on your income taxes and is subject to taxes. 

If you want an estimate on how much you can expect to pay in taxes for selling feet pics, we suggest consulting with your tax accountant.

You can budget accordingly and put the necessary funds on the side with this information.

You can also refer to the IRS’s website for more information regarding being self-employed and filing/paying your business taxes

Pros and cons recap of selling feet pics


  • Low physical labor
  • Work from home
  • Just need Wifi
  • Schedule flexibility
  • No diploma needed
  • Low start-up costs
  • Ability to scale your business


  • May get scammed
  • Receiving uncomfortable, explicit requests
  • Encountering creeps online
  • May receive unsavory comments or messages
  • Extra precautions are needed to protect your privacy

Final thoughts on selling feet pics

It’s clear that with so many different platforms available, there is indeed a market to earn extra money by selling foot pictures online.

With good quality pictures and consistent work, making money selling feet pics is feasible.

But with any mature content, it is up to you to decide what you are comfortable sharing and displaying online.

Setting boundaries and protecting your personal information is key when selling pics.

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