How Much Does BPL Plasma Pay Per Donation?

Are you considering donating plasma to BPL for some extra cash?

How much does BPL Plasma pay per donation? Let’s take a look.

stethoscope & red heart laying on liliac background

When it comes to donating plasma within the United States, there are well over two dozen different plasma centers.

When it comes to BPL Plasma, first-time donors can expect approximately $100 for their initial plasma donation.

But let’s dig deeper into how much you can expect as a plasma donor long-term and what other incentives they offer.

And if you have other centers in your area, check out the highest paying plasma donation centers.

What is plasma?

When looking at blood plasma, you can expect a clear, yellowish fluid that makes up about 55% of the blood’s volume.

It is a water-based solution containing proteins, lipids, minerals, and glucose.

Plasma serves many vital functions, including maintaining blood pressure and clotting.

Plasma also contains antibodies that help fight infection.

A technician must first collect a blood sample from a donor to extract the plasma.

Then they use a centrifuge machine to separate the plasma from your red blood cells.

How much does BPL Plasma pay?

Regarding BPL Plasma, new donor rates apply to the first 5 plasma donations.

While official information is limited, if we take the BPL Lubbock location, they are offering the following rates;

New Donors (visits)1st2nd3rd4th5th

Following the five initial donations, additional plasma donations typically range between $20 to $40.

Plasma donors can also earn bonuses for coming in twice per week and other rewards throughout the month.

BPL Plasma also offers frequency bonuses which, for the Lubbock location, currently apply to the 6th and 8th donations.

Frequency Bonuses6th donation: $208th donation: $60

But when we look at donors discussing the plasma donation pay rates they’ve received, you can see how much rates can change per month and location.

As of March 2023, one BPL Plasma donor indicated that their center has no new donor rates but a flat rate of $75 per plasma donation.

There is also a $75 bonus given on the 8th donation of the month.

BPL Plasma current plasma rates

I also tracked down some older rates and we can see how different the donation amounts and incentives can be.

Reddit discussion on bpl plasma donation rates
screenshot of donor mentioning BPL plasma donation rates
Reddit screenshot of bpl plasma pay rates

After the initial new donor rates, some returning donors earn between $55 to $85 per week (the total for 2 weekly donations).

These amounts do not include the various bonuses each location periodically offers.

new bpl plasma donor rates being discussed in a forum
plasma donor rates and bonuses

As for extra incentives, you can also earn extra cash with BPL Plasma’s referral program.

The referring donor and the new donor will receive a $15 bonus after the successfully completing their first donation.

young doctor posiong near a bag of plasma

FAQ for donating plasma

1. Who can donate plasma at BPL Plasma?

Before you can donate plasma at BPL Plasma, there are a few minimum requirements.

Here are BPL Plasma’s guidelines & requirements;

  • Donors must be between 18 to 69 years old
  • Weigh a minimum of 110 pounds
  • Complete a questionnaire regarding your medical history
  • All donors must pass a medical exam
  • Take a photo for their file
  • Provide a blood sample to check for protein & iron levels
  • Provide 1+ forms of ID (including a photo, date of birth, social security number & your signature)

2. BPL Plasma reasons for exclusions

While you may meet the above criteria, certain situations can cause you to be excluded from donating at BPL Plasma;

  • Eating foods high in fat 24h hours before donating
  • A history of HIV or Hepatitis
  • A history of cancer
  • Excessive body art within the last 12 months (tattoos, piercings)
  • Residing in Europe for a long time
  • Being suspected of ingesting alcohol or drugs

3. How are BPL Plasma payments issued?

BPL Plasma issues payment to plasma donors with Visa Debit Cards.

4. How often can you donate plasma?

At BPL Plasma, individuals can donate plasma twice within seven days.

There needs to be one day between plasma donations.

5. How long does donating plasma take?

You should expect to be at the center for approximately 2 hours for your first plasma donation.

This visit will include your physical examination, which will take longer.

Repeat visits are supposed to last around 45 minutes.

More tips for donating plasma at BPL Plasma

Try the following recommendations for the best plasma donation experience and to limit any potential problems at your BPL Plasma clinic.


  • Get a good night’s sleep
  • Drink plenty of water the day before your plasma donation
  • Drink a minimum of 12 to 24 ounces of water (or sports beverage) 30 to 60 minutes before your scheduled donation
  • Each a protein and iron-rich diet the day before and up until 3 hours before your plasma collection


  • Avoid using tobacco products
  • Limit your caffeine and dairy intake on the day of your donation
  • Avoid eating fatty foods the day of your donation
  • Do not drink any alcohol on the day before and the day of your plasma donation
fit man pooring a glass of water

How much does BPL Plasma pay for plasma: final thoughts

Donating to a BPL Plasma center can be a great way to earn money.

Whether you’re a college student, between jobs, or need more cash, donating plasma can quickly bring in some funds.

Always compare rates between plasma centers to find the highest compensation for your time.

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