Chase Routing Number (State List)

chase routing number

Do you need your Chase routing number?

Since Chase (also known as JPMorgan Chase & Co.) uses different routing numbers for each state, it can get somewhat confusing when doing a quick search online.

But our quick guide has all the Chase banking information you will need to get started on your transactions.

Once you get your Chase routing number, you can order checks, set up direct deposits, and make ACH payments.

And if you need to make a domestic wire transfer or an international wire transfer, we’ve got the numbers you will need for those too.

Chase routing numbers (state list)

Chase routing numbers (aka ABA routing numbers) are based on the state where you first opened your account.

State/BranchRouting Number
New Jersey021202337
New York – Downstate021000021
New York – Upstate022300173
West Virginia051900366

Wire routing number for Chase bank

Are you planning on receiving a wire transfer into your Chase bank account?

As previously mentioned, routing numbers for Chase bank are different for wire transfers.

For transfers within the United States, the number is 021000021.

If you need to transfer money to someone domestically, you will need to provide the following information;

  1. The recipient’s name (as per their account)
  2. The recipient’s routing number and account number
  3. The currency of the wire transfer
  4. The recipient’s complete mailing address

Wire transfer processing generally starts on the day the request is received, provided the request comes in before the cut-off time of 4 PM ET for personal banking or 5 PM ET for business banking.

Chase SWIFT code for international wire transfers

The routing number becomes a Chase SWIFT code for international transfers: CHASUS33.

You can use this number for incoming international wire transfers. 

A SWIFT code is also known as Bank Identifier Code or BIC code.

When sending or receiving an international wire transfer, additional information is required.

The sender will need to provide their bank with the following information regarding the wire transfer recipient;

  1. The recipient’s name (as per their account)
  2. The recipient’s routing number and account number
  3. The currency of the wire transfer
  4. The recipient’s complete mailing address
  5. Often the reason for the wire is requested (payroll, gift, personal payment)

What is a routing number? 

In the United States, banks use a nine-digit code to identify themselves.

This series of nine digits is known as a routing number or ABA routing number (ABA RNT).

A frequent question remains, “Does it matter what routing number you use?”.

Yes, these unique numbers ensure that your funds go to and from the correct financial institutions.

If you are looking to do a wire transfer, we recommend contacting your bank to ensure you have all the correct information and steps before proceeding.

As wire transfers tend to be irreversible, double-check all the banking, personal, and recipient details before attempting to send or receive funds.

How do I find my Chase routing number?

If you can’t remember the state you opened your account in or are not sure which routing number is correct, here are some additional ways to track down your valid Chase routing number.

Use a check

If you keep a checkbook on hand, you can find your routing number at the bottom of the check.

The Chase checking account routing number is on the bottom left of the check in the image below.

The routing number will be nine digits. Your account number will be on the right side of it (this number can be between 6 to 17 digits). 

*Chase indicates that sometimes the account number and the check serial number are reserved.

a chase bank blank check

Use the Chase app

Prefer online banking; you can find your Chase routing number in a few short clicks:

  • Sign in and select the account you want
  • Click on “Show details.”
  • Find your account and Chase routing number in the dropdown

Find it online

Don’t have the app, no worries; log into your account on your computer instead.

From there, click on the last four digits of your checking account number.

Your Chase bank routing number will show up above your account details.

Contact JPMorgan Chase Bank

Chase customer service can be reached at 1-800-935-9935.

For mobile or online banking support, the number is 1-877-242-7372.

If you are outside of the U.S., dial 1-713-262-3300.

For accessible banking, Chase accepts relay calls; clients can dial 711 for assistance.

Federal Reserve

If all else fails, you can refer to the Federal Reserve website for all Chase routing numbers.

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