Why It’s Bad Luck To Place Your Purse On The Floor

Have you ever been told it’s bad luck to leave your purse on the floor and wondered why?

Many cultures are highly superstitious; growing up half-Spanish, I’ve heard my fair share of stories and superstitions.

From ghosts and love to money, there is a story for all. 

But is it really bad luck to put your purse or wallet on the floor?

Can you lose money by innocently placing your handbag on the ground? Let’s find out why it’s such a big deal for some.

purse on the floor

What is The Meaning of Placing Your Purse on The Floor?

When it comes to purses and wallets, they are used to hold our valuables.

Certain superstitions play on the fact that we are showing disregard and disrespect by placing such valuables on the floor.

We then risk losing our wealth by disregarding our valuables (money).

Hispanic Superstitions

Many cultures have similar beliefs; while the stories surrounding them may differ, the fundamentals remain the same.

In Hispanic households, grandmothers pass on generations of advice, one of which is never to place your purse on the floor.

You risk losing money and gaining rotten luck when it comes to money.

Feng Shui

While you may be familiar with Feng Shui through the Marie Londo decluttering phenomenon, Feng Shui goes back over 3500 years.

A lot of importance lies in the concept of placement.

A popular saying has come about, “A purse on the floor is money out the door.” 

This deep-rooted saying still holds today for those who follow the practices of Feng Shui.

There is a list of Feng Shui beliefs surrounding wallets and welcoming wealth into your life by following simple guidelines.

These Feng Shui tips apply to everything from your wallet color and shape to where to place it at home.

Avoiding the floor, especially the bathroom floor, is crucial.

A red purse on the floor Pinterest pin

Where Should You Put Your Purse?

If you want to follow the ancient art of placement, assigning a particular area in your home to store your purse or wallet is recommended.

In fact, when following Feng Shui, the southeast corner of your home or office is considered the wealth corner and can be found using one of two methods

Traditionally, you can use a compass to locate the wealth corner of your home.

Once you find your spot, you can decide on the most practical and esthetic way to store your purse. 

It’s believed that respecting your wallet and treating it with care by implementing these small changes will, in turn, attract wealth to your life.

And, you can always look into more money affirmations that work instantly.

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FAQ for a purse on the floor

Depending on the culture, placing a purse on the floor can be viewed as disrespectful and bad luck.

In Greece, putting two or three coins inside when gifting a purse or wallet is considered auspicious.

It’s believed that “money attracts money.”

Good luck is believed to come from placing 3 Feng Shui coins attached to a red ribbon inside your wallet or purse to attract wealth.

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